Sensational information about criminal activities of businessman Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava. Fraud, stolen millions of dollars and stolen profits in the business of a legitimate Investor, connection with mafia, murder of a witness, bribes to corrupt officials in Georgia, Russia and Europe, tax evasion. Financing of coup attempt in Kazakhstan, financing of war in Georgia (South Ossetia) and Ukraine. All facts are confirmed by witness testimonies as well as documents. Details in a personal confidential interview with disclosure of facts:
Good day
Informer: So, our meeting finally took place, I represent, as you already know, the confidential Internet resource INFORMATOR/INFORMER, which is dedicated to investigations and disclosures of high-profile economic crimes and frauds in especially large amounts in the CIS and not only, many of our friends and colleagues in the information circles of Europe and Russia support us. Let me remind our audience that this meeting took place on the initiative of our good friend, Georgian politician, who is respected not only in Georgia, but also in Europe and Russia, whose name we will leave out of the picture. Your name is Merab, right? - Yes, that's right, we will not mention your last name.
Merab: - Okay.
Informer: As far as we know, you are actually a witness to very high-profile events related to such a well-known businessman as Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava?
Merab: Yes, that's right, it concerns businessman Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava and since I fear for my life and family, literally, I want to publicize these events as much as possible. There is a lot of money involved in this situation, state corruption with well-known officials in Georgia, Russia and Europe, large scale fraud, multiple attempted murders of many people, as well as one murder, for which the perpetrators have not yet been punished, but I hope that my story as a witness will help to bring all this to the investigation and punishment of the guilty.
Informer: Merab, I'll interrupt you. So, you are saying that all the facts you listed above were organized and are currently supervised by this businessman Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava?
Merab: Yes, that's exactly how it is. This process is completely managed by one man, Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava. And most likely his partner with the last name Povazhny. They are co-owners of the business with shares where 82% belongs to Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and 12% to his partner with the surname Povazhny. And Tengiz's wife is involved, her name is Mariyka.
Informer: - Very interesting, let's go step by step then, so as not to miss any details, what you are stating is a serious law enforcement investigation and even likely has a political issue.
Merab: Yes, that's right, I know these investigations are already underway by law enforcement agencies and all the information is being compiled into one coherent node, but let's go istep by step:
There were two good friends in Moscow, Mr.Soso Lotaria and MrTengiz Givievich Kharebava, they knew each other since childhood, they were friends, they lived near each other in the same house. Soso's mother baptized Tengiz's sibling. The relationship between them was actually kinship. They even served together in the army. Tengiz's fate did not turn out well, he got on the criminal road and ended up in prison for fraud and theft. After his release from prison, his friend Mr.Soso Lotaria took pity on Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and took him into his banking business. Soso had a share in one of the banks in Russia.
At the time, Mr.Soso was engaged in the banking business in Russia. But there was clearly not enough money for a good business start. Mr.Soso had some connections with an investor who could provide the necessary capital for Mr.Soso and Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. After negotiations between Mr.Soso Lotaria and Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava on the one hand and the Investor on the other, they came to an agreement that the Investor would provide 3 million dollars for the banking business of Mr.Soso and Mr.Tengiz on certain conditions. Mr.Soso and Mr.Tengiz accepted the offer. They executed the relevant documents with the investor, confirming the fact of the transaction. The investor provided 3 million dollars. Mr.Soso placed this money in the bank where he had a business.
Some time later, Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava personally withdrew this investment 3 million dollars from the bank (without notifying either Mr.Soso or Investor). In fact, he stole this money.
and further Mr.Tengiz Kharebava came to Mr.Soso Lotaria and confronted him with the fact that there was a new interesting proposal, which was as follows: Mr.Tengiz Kharebava had a friend with the surname Mr.Povazhny, this person worked as a driver for a large official in Moscow and that there was a unique opportunity to obtain through this official a pharmaceutical patent authorizing the production of a very popular pharmaceutical drug and this business would bring very large profits in the future. Mr.Soso Lotaria contacted the investor and told him about this proposal and informed him about this turn of events. After Mr.Soso Lotaria informed the Investor about it, the Investor asked for a meeting where Mr.Soso Lotaria, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and the Investor himself would be present, but Mr.Tengiz Kharebava never came to the meeting, and instead of him authoritative people from the criminal world (mafia) came and demanded to leave Mr.Tengiz Kharebava alone (don't get in his way). As it became clear this was Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's “criminal friends”. After Mr.Tengiz Kharebava got it that the investor was not intimidated by the bandits, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava offered Mr.Soso Lotarii to allow the investor to finish the registration of the patent where the share of 50% of the patent he will sign over to the investor, it was confirmed in the presence of Mr.Soso Lotarii, verbally and documentally. Also Mr.Goderdi Bukia, Mr.Soso Lothari's cousin, knew about it. The investor eventually approved the deal and they signed documents for cooperation. Namely an agreement and a written receipt that 50% of the use of the patent goes in favor of the investor.
In the end, the pharmaceutical patent was successfully filed by Mr.Tengiz Harebava and his partner with the surname Mr.Povazhny. This file can be viewed below:
The investor was waiting for the first results from this work. But strange things started to happen. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava started to actually hide from the Investor, then to threaten him, to attract different bandits, authorities (mafia) to intimidate the Investor. They came to the meeting with the Investor and asked the Investor to give up his 50% stake and not to interfere with Mr.Tengiz. They tried to intimidate him. They threatened to kill him. Criminal authorities and support groups of 50-80 people came to meet with the Investor to talk to him, but the Investor always came alone, everyone knew about it. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava himself never came to such meetings, but Mr.Soso Lotaria came and took the side of the Investor and asked the Investor together with the Investor of these criminal authorities, why are you coming and where is Mr.Tengiz Kharebava himself ? Mr.Soso Lotaria confirmed to mafia: -We took money from the Investor with Mr.Tengiz Kharebava on certain conditions and we have to fulfill these conditions. It was not difficult to prove the Investor right, and the mafia went back with nothing. I (Merab) was also present at these meetings, as well as Mr.Goderji Bukia (brother of Mr.Soso Lotharius). I was also approached by the Investor with a request that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava finally came to the meeting in person, and the four of us talked: the Investor, me (Merab), Mr.Soso Lotaria and Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. But unfortunately, Mr.Tengiz Harebava never went to the meeting. In fact, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava stole the provided investment 3 million dollars and completely stole the potential business from the Investor, related to the pharmaceutical patent, in which it was agreed about 50% share. Today the amount stolen from the Investor is 3 million dollars and 50% of the patent, as well as income from its use for more than 20 years, which is a very large amount of lost profits.
When Mr.Tengiz Kharebava realized that threats were not working for the Investor on the part of the criminal pushing. He had his own apartment in a house on Vernadskogo Street in Moscow and he immediately moved to the Moscow region and rented an apartment in the Moscow region in the village of Lobnya so that he would not have to meet the Investor, not only with the Investor, but even with his friend Mr.Soso Lotaria. They used to live in the same house on Vernadskogo in Moscow, in the same entrance but on different floors.
Informer: Mr.Merab this is of course sensational, in fact, information, realizing what level in business Mr.Tengiz Kharebava now occupies and what assets he now possesses. Did the investor contact the police on this matter?
Merab: - Yes, of course, the Investor and Mr.Soso Lotaria applied to law enforcement agencies. But the thing is that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava is tightly tied to some corrupt officials in Russia in different departments and law enforcement agencies also, who cover for Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. That is why the cases were delayed or even put on the brakes. At least it has been like this until now. As far as I know the situation will start to change very soon. Many corrupt officials and law enforcers will most likely be punished for these actions. Some of them have even been detained in the person of Mr.Saakashvili and are testifying.
Informer: Clearly, what happened next?
Merab: Mr.Tengiz Harebava, soon realizing that he would face justice in Russia for his fraud, theft and threats, simply fled to Europe. His accomplice Mr.Povazhny remained in Russia. Mr.Tengiz, already based in Europe, started to develop his business in Russia under the cover of officials and some law enforcers who cover him in Russia, according to Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. You understand that no one will let such a large pharmaceutical business pass by, and Mr.Tengiz Kharebava openly and loudly said that I have those in law enforcement agencies, in the Russian government, in Georgia and Europe who help me for “financial assistance”. These are such bold statements. Also, today there are journalists in Georgia, who have dug up on whom Mr.Tengiz Kharebava relies (refers to). There is even a video investigation:
After fleeing to Europe, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava even went to the prosecutor's office and court in Europe (Switzerland) against Mr.Soso Lotharia, claiming that Mr.Soso Lotharia was extorting money from him. Within the framework of the court proceedings Mr.Soso Lotaria and the Investor documented that Mr.Tengiz Harebava is a debtor and a fraudster. The Swiss prosecutor's office and court eventually found Mr.Tengiz Kharebava guilty and issued their judgment. In the end, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava lost this trial to the Investor, moreover, he was fined for giving false testimony in court. When the judge asked how you met Mr.Soso Lotaria, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava said that he met Mr.Soso in Moscow, but when the court checked the personal documents of Mr.Soso Lotaria and Mr.Tengiz Kharebava about their place of birth and residence, it turned out that they had known each other since childhood.
Informer: What pharmaceutical companies does TMr.engiz Kharebava own in Russia today ?
Merab: ОOOO “NPK Pharmasoft”, OOO “Bion”, OOO “Himpharmkomplekt”, the last two companies have already been sold by Mr.Tengiz Harebava (The owner was Mr.Tengiz Harebava's company “Pharmapolis” OOO “Pharmapolis” behind it was his Cyprus company “Blackwood”) sold in favor of JSC “Protek”, and OOO “NPK Pharmasoft” is still controlled by Swiss Holding, which is owned by Mr.Tengiz Harebava. I would not advise anyone to buy Pharmasoft Ltd. in the current realities, because Mr.Tengiz Kharebava has committed fraud and theft against the legitimate Investor, who is in fact 50% co-owner of the business. The already sold companies Bion LLC and Chemfarmkomplekt LLC will most likely be questioned by Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and possibly by the new owners because the transaction will most likely be recognized as invalid at some stage, given the fact of major fraud on the part of the past owner of these companies Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava in front of his original Investor and the brazen concealment of this information from everyone and fraud on a large scale. For this Mr.Tengiz Kharebava should bear criminal responsibility. The scheme of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's companies, can be found in the file below:
Informer: I see, and what are Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's political views, whose supporter is he?
Merab: I know reliably that Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava financed the 2008 war and aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia under Mr.Saakashvili. In fact, he acted against South Ossetia and also against Russia.
Informer: Did Tengiz Kharebava know Mr.Saakashvili personally as President of Georgia at that time?
Merab: Yes, these are well-known facts, they are personally well known. Under Mr.Saakashvili's rule, Mr.Tengiz was buying up real estate and land in Georgia for pennies. It was a big corruption.
Mr.Tengiz Kharebava also says that he personally knows Mr.Ivanishvili and that he helps him in various issues. But as far as we know Mr.Ivanishvili is a decent man and I do not believe these words of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. And in general I would like to address Mr. Ivanishvili about some of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's comments that Mr.Saakashvili extorted money from Mr.Tengiz Kharebava.
So this is a lie, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and Mr.Saakashvili were partners and cooperated mutually beneficially. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava also keeps saying that he is financing Mr.Ivanishvili, but I believe that Mr.Ivanishvili is not “support” Mr.Tengiz Kharebava.
Informer: Do you think Mr.Tengiz is funding the Ukrainian regime and directly the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Georgian Legion?
Merab: Yes, there are facts that indicate that this is the case, he finances the Ukraine army and the Georgian Legion, based on his actions. Also Mr.Tengiz Kharebava has both Russian citizenship and citizenship of the European Union and Georgia. Passports under different names and surnames. He has assets in the European Union, which are not blocked to him as a citizen of Russia, which indicates that he contributes to the financing of the Ukraine Army through special services in the West (they did not touch him). And he also has a business in Ukraine, Kiev. He often personally came to Kiev. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's assets in Russia, Georgia and Europe can be seen in this document:
Informer: So he earns money in Russia and used this income to finance the Georgian aggression and now sponsors the fascists in Ukraine and the Georgian Legion?
Merab: It turns out exactly so, and in this case his assets should be seized in Russia at the request of the prosecutor's office through the court. Yes, for financing the Georgian aggression against Russia, that's for sure. The assets should be transferred to the legal owner at last - the Investor. There have already been such precedents, such as the Roshen factory of the former Ukrainian president and the Khortytsa factory of the world famous vodka.
Moreover, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava knows former Prime Minister and former head of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan Mr.Karim Masimov very well. Mr.Karim Masimov's father often flew to Georgia to visit Mr.Tengiz. And Mr.Tengiz Harebava often flew to Kazakhstan to see Mr.Karim Masimov.
Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and Mr.Karim Masimov had an apparently close relationship. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava is the sponsor of the coup attempt in Kazakhstan. This is indicated by the fact that Mr.Karim Masimov's family moved from Kazakhstan and hid in Georgia after the famous events, where Mr.Tengiz Harebava organized the purchase of housing for Mr.Karim Masimov's mother. I think there is no need to comment on anything else here.
And let's not forget that we have received and confirmed information that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava evaded taxes through front companies for large sums. We pass all this information to law enforcement agencies. In Russia Mr.Tengiz Kharebava, as far as I know, operates through Mr.Valery Khaburzania, his photo is below:
Mr.Tengiz Kharebava himself often said that through this man Mr.Valera Khaburzania, Mr.Tengiz 'brings financial means to patronize' officials and law enforcers in the Russian Federation.
Informer: Let's get back to talking about Mr.Soso Lotaria. As I understand it, he was not guilty of anything and was a victim of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's actions?
Merab: Yes, that's correct. Moreover, he was also a direct witness of the interaction between the investor and Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. Also, the witness is a cousin of Mr.Soso Lotarii, it is Mr.Goderji Bukia. Photo of Mr.Goderji Bukia is below in the file:
Unfortunately, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava initiated a cunning slow murder of Mr.Soso Lotaria, and as a result Soso, unfortunately, died. And as it is already clear to everyone, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava did it in a very cunning way and has not yet been punished for it.
Informer: Can you please tell me in detail what you know about this case?
Merab: After Mr.Tengiz Kharebava lost the trial to Mr.Soso Lotaria and the Investor in Switzerland. He started writing statements to the police in Russia against Mr.Soso Lotarii that he was extorting money from him, no matter how brazen it may sound. Mr.Tengiz wrote statements 3 times in an attempt to initiate criminal proceedings against Mr.Soso in Russia, but when the Investor came and joined the proceedings and showed real documents, explained and proved to the law enforcement agencies what was happening in reality, the cases were quickly closed. Thus, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava filed 3 times in three different police departments, and the Investor always came and proved that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava is a fraudster and a thief and it is just an attempt to stall time and accuse an innocent person in this case Mr.Soso Lotaria of extortion. Moreover, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava filed statements in different police stations with different texts of facts, some statements contradicted his other statements. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava himself is already confused in his lies and impudence. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava submitted statements remotely from Europe in order to initiate a case and imprison Mr.Soso Lotaria as a witness of this high-profile fraud and to get rid of him.
Mr.Soso Lotaria cousin, Mr.Goderji Bukia, who is fully aware of this situation, was himself personally at many of the meetings. In fact, Mr.Goderji Bukia is also a witness to all these events. Mr.Goderji Bukia called Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and even met with him and asked him why are you doing this? Why are you framing my brother Mr.Soso? Why are you sending false statements to three police stations? Mr.Tengiz Kharebava answered that the statements were not delivered in two previous police stations. In general, an impudent man, what else can be said here.
Mr.Goderdzi Bukia even had a meeting attended by himself (Mr.Goderdzi Bukia), the Investor, Mr.Soso Lotaria and a certain FSB officer in the position of colonel (name Mr.Evgeny) from the side of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava in order to scare the Investor.
Informer: What happened next?
Merab: After an unsuccessful attempt with statements to the police, Mr.Tengiz Kharebava started direct threats against Mr.Soso Lotarii. These were very serious threats against Mr.Soso. As a result, one day Mr.Soso Lotaria was kidnapped by unknown masked men right in Moscow, they held him and injected him with some medicine and released him, but in the next 3 months Mr.Soso Lotaria unfortunately died. When he realized that his health was getting very bad, he called the investor and wrote down in writing under notarization everything he knew about this situation and this case and gave full testimony. Unfortunately, Mr.Soso Lotaria died. And we know for sure that the orderer of this murder is personally Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. And we ask the law enforcement agencies of Russia, Georgia and the European Union to bring Mr.Tengiz Kharebava to justice for organizing the murder. Unfortunately, the perpetrators of the kidnapping have not been found at the moment. And there was also an attempt on the lawyer Mr.Soso Lotaria, with penetration into his house, where the criminals were looking for documents confirming the guilt of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. They wanted to clean up the evidence of guilt.
Informer: That's terrible, of course. What else do you have to say within this topic?
Merab: Also Mr.Tengiz Kharebava, having connections in the Georgian Patriarchate, asked through his channels to complain to law enforcement agencies through the Patriarchate in Russia that Mr.Soso Lotaria and of course the Investor extort money from Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. There is proof of such actions of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava. The Investor, having learned about such events, having close ties with some employees of the Patriarchate, was ahead and notified the local Patriarchate about such actions of the fraudster and criminal Mr.Tengiz Kharebava with a detailed explanation of what is actually happening. After that, Father Georgiy, an employee of the Russian Patriarchate, wrote a letter to the Georgian Patriarch that you have been misled and that the real truth is completely different and you are just trying to be used brazenly. Father Georgi confirmed that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava is a criminal.
Interesting facts from the life of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava and his brothers were also revealed. Mr.Tengiz had 4 brothers. One of them, named Mr.Vakhtang, was a rapist and was in prison for that. Mr.Tengiz Kharebava changed his documents to a new name and got him a job in the church as an archimandrite, can you imagine? The rapist got a job in the Church in the holy service, can you imagine the impudence and cynicism of this man? To confirm my words, see the document:
Informer: What else would you like to share under this topic?
Merab: Mr.Tengiz Harebava also hired a well-known German lawyer named Michael, who tried to resolve the issue with the Investor and Mr.Soso and even visited them. Michael started telling at the meeting that what an educated and decent man Mr.Tengiz was with a medical degree. Mr.Soso Lotaria and the Investor proved to him that the education document was a fake and that there was no medical education and showed Michael of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava's criminal record and his real prison past, as well as illegal ongoing fraudulent activities, theft, threats. After the meeting, Michael severed his relationship with Mr.Tengiz Kharebava when he realized who Mr.Tengiz Kharebava is in reality.
Another important point is that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava ran away with his wife Mariyka from Russia. Accordingly, Mrs.Mariyka is aware of everything that has happened and is happening. Mr.Tengiz Harebava bought a lot of real estate and transferred some property to his wife (Mariyka) and made a fictitious divorce with Mrs.Mariyka. This is illegal because Mr.Tengiz Kharebava has a very large debt to the Investor.
It is also known that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava has several passports under different first and last names. Under one of the passports his name is Mr.Luka.
Mr.Tengiz Kharebava in order to obtain Russian citizenship at one time, many years ago, made essentially a fictitious marriage, in which the woman even gave birth to his daughter, but Mr.Tengiz Kharebava refused the child, said that it was not his daughter in the end. In fact, he used the woman to obtain citizenship. He completely evaded alimony.
Tengiz Kharebava and his wife Mariyka were nobody in Moscow and only thanks to the Investor's money they got a start in business. And they brazenly cheated the Investor in the end.
Informer: Merab are you personally acquainted with Mr.Goderji Bukia and Mr.Soso Lotaria?
Merab: Yes, of course, I know Mr.Soso and Mr.Goderji personally. Mr.Goderji Bukia knows everything I told you today and even more. Mr.Goderji Bukia knows that Mr.Tengiz Kharebava got rich thanks to the Investor's money. But Mr.Goderji Bukiya himself did not behave in a brotherly and human way, frankly speaking, Mr.Goderji Bukiya had some big debt (about 15 million USD) and he reluctantly helped Mr.Soso Lotaria (his brother). Mr.Goderji Bukia is guilty of his brother's death. As he did not save his brother Mr.Soso from such a situation because of his duty. God will not forgive neither Mr.Goderji Bukiya nor Mr.Tengiz Kharebava for all these actions and inactions.
Mr.Goderji Bukia can come to Russia with any respectable people and the Investor will tell everything from start to finish. All these facts that I have told today are true and can be documented. A lot of work has been done. I hope the Investor will also read all this material.
Mr.Tengiz Harebava dreams of destroying the Investor physically, actually killing him. The threats continue. Mr.Tengiz Harebava reminds to the Investor that he has a son. Also an assassination attempt was organized on the Investor in Moscow with a gunshot wound.
I, for my part, am also a witness and participant of all these events, so I also ask you to organize maximum coverage of these facts about Mr.Tengiz Givievich Kharebava in Russia, Georgia, European Union, Switzerland. I ask you to get into the situation and help the Investor to return the lost and missed assets for today.
Informer: Let's summarize our conversation, what do you want to inform the public and law enforcement agencies of Russia, Georgia and Europe through us? We will of course disseminate this important information as much as possible, which of course will not go unnoticed by the relevant structures thanks to you, Mr.Merab, and our informational influence on different platforms and in the structures of different countries.
Merab: Thank you. I certainly want justice to be done in this case. That the death of Mr.Soso Lotaria will not be in vain for those who did it. At the moment, I repeat, the threats against the Investor continue. I ask for maximum assistance of law enforcement agencies of Georgia, Switzerland, European Union and Russia to scrutinize all materials and evidence base within the framework of this case, collected facts and documents, which have been prepared and sent to the relevant agencies.
As far as I know, and I have seen and read a letter from Mr.Tengiz Harebav to the Investor with threats of the following content: that Mr.Tengiz Harebav has big money and influential people, and the Investor has a growing son. I personally saw this letter that Mr.Soso Lotaria handed over to the Investor. This threatening letter was from Mr.Tengiz Kharebava.
I am also providing you with copies of some documents (proofs) of my words, which will be attached to this interview, confirming that all this is true and I can always prove it. I hope the Investor will see our interview as well and if necessary provide all documents and testimonies from his side.
Informer: Are you ready to give additional information on Mr.Masimov (former head of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan ) from the words of Mr.Tengiz?
Merab: Yes, I am ready to provide additional information about the connection between Mr.Masimov, former head of Kazakhstan's NSCK, and Mr.Tengiz Kharebav.
Informer: You spoke about the Georgian Patriarchate, we heard about the poisoning of the Georgian Patriarch that they tried to poison him, what do you think about it?
Merab: Most likely this was done on behalf of Mr.Tengiz Kharebava in order to “propel” his brother to a high position in the Georgian Patriarchate.
Informer: Thanks Mr.Merab, for your information, will take it into work.